Possible bias: Departures from the assumption that graffiti is an expression of “criminals”, therefore open space for all sorts of graffiti artists to be included in police records. Excessive and disproportional collection of data from stigmatized urban territories and increasing to the deployment of ostensive policing of vulnerable communities, already commonly subjected to police brutality.
Public Institutions Involved: A partnership between the Secretariat of Public Security and Social Defense of the State of Ceará (SSPDS/CE) and the Signal and Image Applied Computing Laboratory (Lapisco, Laboratório de Processamento de Imagem, Sinais e Computação Aplicada), linked to the Federal Institute of Education, Science, and Technology of Ceará (IFCE).
Related links with further information: https://www.ceara.gov.br/2020/07/14/sspds-usa-inteligencia-artificial-para-aperfeicoar-o-mapeamento-de-grupos-criminosos-no-ceara-a-partir-de-pichacoes/