- Name: Perfil de Riesgo de Reincidencia para la Solicitud de Medidas de Aseguramiento – Prisma (Colombia)
- Area of Application: Sistema judicial
- What kind of AI according to the project's official information: Machine learning
- Goals: «Predict the risk of criminal recidivism in order to support prosecutors when they request the preventive detention of a person investigated by Colombian authorities, as a pretrial preventive measure.»
- How does it work according to the project's official information: «Since 2005, the Prisma database has gathered information on 5.7 million Colombians who are registered with the information systems of the Police, the Prosecutor’s Office and Inpec (National Penitentiary and Prison Institute, Instituto Nacional Penitenciario y Carcelario).» «Using a supervised learning model (machine learning), the probability of recidivism is predicted, considering the characteristics of the individual, the last criminal event committed by them and their criminal record».
- Possible bias: Stigmatization, discrimination and criminalization of most vulnerable people.
- Public Institutions Involved: Fiscalía General de la Nación / Office of the Attorney General of Colombia
- Other interesting facts: «In the field of artificial intelligence, algorithms with the ability to analyze large volumes of information have been developed, which algorithms undergo «training» to learn behavior patterns, which allow them to predict risks with a very significant level of accuracy», said Daniel Mejía, former secretary of Security from Bogotá. Likewise, the public security expert affirmed that such patterns of criminal recidivism will enable prosecutors to have more and better information on the criminal history of those investigated.
- Related links with further information:
- https://www.fiscalia.gov.co/colombia/wp-content/uploads/Perfil-de-riesgo-de-reincidencia-para-solicitudes-de-medida-de-aseguramiento.pdf
- https://www.elespectador.com/noticias/judicial/prisma-el-programa-de-la-fiscalia-para-predecir-la-reincidencia-criminal-articulo-867214
- https://www.elespectador.com/noticias/judicial/atacando-la-reincidencia-criminal-con-evidencia-y-tecnologia-analisis-articulo-866897
- https://www.elespectador.com/noticias/judicial/en-colombia-no-hay-cifras-claras-para-medir-la-reincidencia-fip-articulo-746050
- https://www.elespectador.com/noticias/judicial/prisma-el-programa-de-la-fiscalia-para-predecir-la-reincidencia-criminal-articulo-867214
- https://caracol.com.co/radio/2019/06/27/tecnologia/1561646692_174014.html
- https://caracol.com.co/radio/2019/06/27/tecnologia/1561646692_174014.html