What kind of AI according to the project's official information: Semantic Analysis
Goals:With deployment initiated in May, 2019, the project seeks to allow the revision of Appeals (Recursos) and Court of Appeals Decisions (Acórdãos Recorridos). This analysis will provide the STJ Reporting Justice with relevant information, such as, for example: whether the case may be ruled under the system of special appeals dealing with the same matter of law (recursos repetitivos), the legislation applied in the decisions and even similar lawsuits with suggestions for judgment.
Possible bias: Risk of automating systematic injustices historically reproduced by the judicial system.
Public Institutions Involved: Artificial Intelligence Advisory Board of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ)
Other interesting facts: Project Sócrates 2.0 is already being prototype
Related links with further information:
Revolução tecnológica e desafios da pandemia marcaram gestão do ministro Noronha na presidência do STJ, available at https://www.stj.jus.br/sites/portalp/SiteAssets/documentos/noticias/Relat%C3%B3rio%20de%20gest%C3%A3o.pdf
Inteligência artificial na justiça: conheça 2 projetos nos tribunais, available at https://blog.sajadv.com.br/inteligencia-artificial-justica/
A Inteligência Artificial e o Direito: V Encontro de Magistrados Brasil-EUA discute os impactos e os desafios para o uso das novas tecnologias pelos tribunais, available at: https://www.editorajc.com.br/a-inteligencia-artificial-e-o-direito-v-encontro-de-magistrados-brasil-eua-discute-os-impactos-e-os-desafios-para-o-uso-das-novas-tecnologias-pelos-tribunais/
Projeto-piloto do Sócrates, programa de inteligência artificial do STJ, é esperado para agosto, available at: https://www.migalhas.com.br/quentes/299820/projeto-piloto-do-socrates–programa-de-inteligencia-artificial-do-stj–e-esperado-para-agosto