Possible bias: Stigmatization, discrimination, and criminalization of most vulnerable people. Furthermore, investigative journalists have pointed out that all that investment in tech is not necessarily helping to prevent crime or help victims obtain justice, therefore, it’s likely that the deployment of such tools only help mascarade the problem, particularly for those that have systematically been excluded from access to justice.
Public Institutions Involved: Centro de Comando, Control, Cómputo, Comunicaciones y Contacto Ciudadano de la Ciudad de México – C5
C5, la millonaria promesa de videovigilancia de CDMX que no previene ni resuelve delitos, available at: https://www.animalpolitico.com/2021/02/c5-millonaria-promesa-videovigilancia-cdmx-no-resuelve-delitos/
Cámaras con IA de la CDMX ya podrán evitar delitos, available at: https://expansion.mx/tecnologia/2019/06/05/camaras-con-ia-de-la-cdmx-ya-podran-evitar-delitos